When did you start?
We broke ground in April 2017. The weather this year was crazy. We moved here in January with record amounts of snowfall, and then the season was at least a month late as spring rains just wouldn't let up. But we still broke ground and managed to get 2000ft of beds in production AND hit our first Farmers market by June 24th! For that we are happy. We have alot more work to go.
Are we organic?
We are not certified organic, but we adhere to the same protocols and principles of the organic certification, such as; that we should give back more to the land than we take. Organic certification is expensive when starting out and we decided to put that money into funding our long term goals for the farm. No sprays. No chemical fertilizers. We feed the chickens organic grain, use organic fertilizers and Seasoil and other amendments for the garden like leaf mulch and seaweed.